Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Momology Challenge

Let the Mompetition begin! 

Susan Budd came up with a wonderful idea this year- It's a group vs group competition to gain the most points in an effort to get to know each other better and bond as a group.  But wait, there's more... the winners of this Mompetition get a fabulous prize- a date night with your hubby on April 29, with FREE babysitting provided by the steering group.  Praise Jesus!  Who couldn't use a night off?!

Here's how the game works:
- Each challenge will require an organizer that is in charge or organizing, scheduling, attending and recording the event details.  This organizer will be awarded 10 BONUS points, but may only receive bonus points for ONE event.  So it's probably best to allow each member of the group to organize an event.

- You may choose general and monthly themed ideas to earn points for your group.  Have ideas approved by Susan by contacting her HERE.

General Challenge Ideas: 
10 points + 1 point for each participant  
Each idea must be unique- the group may not do the same thing twice.

- Organize a group outing- lunch, playdate, MOPS mom's night out, etc.  At least 1/3 of the group must participate to receive group points.

- Do something as a group at a MOPS meeting- wear PJ's, wear matching shirts, do something funny as a group.  The ENTIRE group must participate for this to count and you will only receive points for ONE item per meeting... no repeats, and bringing food doesn't count.

Monthly Challenge Ideas: 
20 points + 1 point for each participant
Do one project as a group outside of MOPS.  At least 1/3 of your group must participate and the activity MUST follow the monthly theme.

- January- Shepherding a Child's Heart-  Do a group service activity with the kids
examples:  Visit a nursing home, pick up trash, make care packs, etc...

- February- Your Marriage Relationship-  Do a group activity that will enhance your marriage
examples:  Bible study on marriage, watch a relationship-based movie, etc...

- March-  Beauty Inside and Out-  Do a group activity that demonstrates beauty inside and out
examples: Serving a shut-in, Bible study, helping others, etc...

- April-  Family Relationships- Do a group activity that enhances family relationships... may be your family, someone else's family or your church family!
examples:  an activity with Dad's and kids, serving the choir/orchestra dinner between Easter musical performances (contact Kathy Porter), etc... 

I know we've got some seriously competitive mom's at MOPS, and it's great fun for everyone to participate!  As Stephanie Cannon said today, "I don't care what the prize is... It could be a Tootsie Roll for all I care... But I WANT IT!  We have to win!"  So, as you can see, the Red Hott Divas are ready to kick some butt!  But the question is... is YOUR group going to bring it?!