Friday, July 29, 2011

5 Weeks and Counting!!

Good Morning All!! As I sit here and eat my Lucky Charms at 530am due to a wonderful craving, I couldn't help but think, this is the perfect time to write my first blog for MOPS! I am so excited about being your new Publicity 'go to' person for the 2011-2012 year. What is even more exciting is that MOPS starts up in 5 wks. Sept 8th will be our first meeting at the new location of FBCS Downtown Simpsonville and we start promptly at 9:15am!

When I think about MOPS starting back, it reminds me of school starting up for some of you, fall weather, and of course, the Holidays (which includes food and lots of it). Most importantly it reminds me of the fellowship and new friendships that will develop over the next year. This is my 2nd year as a MOPS mom and I have made so many new friends in the past year that I find it such a blessing. I depend on my friendships for advice on 'how to's' with my son (and daughter on the way), encouragement on days when I think no one has ever gone through the same situation before, girls night out, play dates, and the list goes on. I hope that you can say the same thing, there is nothing like a MOPS group of friends to be there for you when you need it!

This years theme is MomSense: Bold-Loving-Sensible. What do those 3 words mean to you? For me Bold - reminds me of my husband. My husband stands up for his beliefs no matter what and I swear some days I think he is so strong (emotionally and physically) that he could pick up a car! Loving - my son Cullen. He is the most loving child I have ever seen. He will give hugs and kisses to anyone, even the girl at Publix who carries our groceries to the car! Sensible - I should be honest, I had to look this word up to get an exact feeling on what I think. Definition - wisdom. My Bible gives me wisdom. It is the one place that I can go to and find an answer to my question. It may not hit me on the head at the time, but the Bible always has wisdom (even if it comes from Cullen's children's Bible)! I would like to encourage you to think about those 3 words before our next meeting - what do they mean to you? Do they remind you of a person, a situation where you showed boldness, or a verse that you can cling too? PLEASE SHARE with us all!!!

In closing, I would like for all of us to have open hearts and be ready for what God has in store for us this year coming up! Last year we had lots of MNO's (including the great Spa night), crafts, play dates, and even a free babysitting night (yep, GO DIVAS!). But we also helped so many other moms too (the mom who lost everything in a house fire, another mom going through a divorce with 5 or 6 kids, shoe boxes filled at Christmas time for children, offering collection for another family who lost their mom). It's amazing what we can do as a team/group with the same goal of serving and worshiping our amazing God!!

As part of the publicity team, please let me know of any suggestions for future blogs and newsletters! I love the feedback!


Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Parenting in Christ through Generations

Today we had the pleasure of listening to Jeannie Thrailkill and her two daughters, Brooke Moore and Caroline Brower, speak to us on the importance of raising our children in Christ.  They opened up their lives and shared intimate stories with us that touched our hearts and made us reflect on our own lives.  Here are some of the notes from their words of wisdom:

Parenting is hard work, but we must build a foundation in Christ so that our children grow up knowing the love of Jesus and resting in his grace and mercy always.  We should instil some foundational verses to help them know that God is our heavenly Father, such as:
- Be still and know that I am God
- He will be a Father to the Fatherless
- Draw near to God and He will draw near to you

Remember these truths and challenge yourself to understand them:
- God is good ALL the time
- Call on Jesus always.  In good and bad.
- Ask God what is blocking your relationship with Him and then have the courage to correct it.
- Choose to be obedient to the Word.
- Be aware that the Enemy wants to destroy and tear your family apart.
- Do not let fear overtake you, but trust Christ to see you through.

Provide Christ DAILY for your children.  Pour His Word and His compassion and His heart into them daily... not just once a week at church.  When you build a foundation in Christ in your children, and if they know Him, He will always be with them.  Even if they ignore Him for a period, He will reach out to them and call them back to Him.

Although we can't force our children to accept Jesus into their hearts, we can and need to introduce Him to them.  We don't have to wait till they are a certain age to start.  Here are some ideas of how to introduce Jesus to your children:
- Show them who Christ is by YOUR example.  Your actions will teach them who Jesus is.
- Teach them forgiveness.  Not just "I'm sorry", but also how to forgive, as Christ forgives us.
- Teach Bible stories.
- Listen to Christian radio in the car.  Teach Bible and Christian songs.
- Be active in church.  Remember it is OUR responsibility to teach Christ at home, but it must be reinforced by church.
- Pray.  Pray with them, pray for them.
- Learn and teach scripture.

It is important that we remember (even though it's hard to come to terms with this) that our children do not belong to us.  They belong to God.  They are the children of God and we are "babysitting" them.  God has trusted us with these special little souls, and He gave us His instruction manuel... The Bible.

There is nothing more powerful then the prayer of a mother.  Be a praying mother and pray for your babies... the good, the insignificant and the bad.

* I came along this post from another blog I read and thought it complemented what we were talking about.  You can read it HERE.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Another New MOPPET!

We are happy to announce that we have a new MOPPET!

Connor Andrew Stewart couldn't wait to make his arrival!
He was born on March 7th at 10:03am (more than 3 weeks early)
He weighed 7lbs. 5oz. and was 20 inches long.

Congrats to Andrew and Susan Stewart!
And to new big sister Anna!!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

First New MOPPET of 2011!!

Welcome to Luke Pickens!
Born on February 23, 2011
at 12:31pm
6 pounds 15 ounces.

Billy and Kristen are the proud parents
and Trey is now a BIG brother!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Randy on Marriage

We had the privilege of hearing Pastor Randy speak to us this morning about marriage.  For those of you that missed it, or just would like a refresher, here are some notes:

Col 3:12
Two things are true about each woman in MOPS:
       1.  You are exquisitely loved by God.  You are so valued, that He gave up His Son for you.
       2.  Some of you are discouraged or in pain.  We must be careful, for our pain will drive us from God.

Imagine that our emotions fill up a bucket.  But wait, that bucket has holes in it.  Our emotions are seeping out of this bucket and we can quickly be on empty if we're not careful.  The three most common things that create gaping holes in our bucket are:  Money, Stress and Fatigue.
We must spend more time filling up our bucket, so that everything doesn't spill out and leave us empty.  We can do this by having encouraging friends and fellowship (like MOPS), but mostly by having daily devotionals and time with God.

We are unable to fill up our bucket on our own.  

Phil 3:3
Back in the day, the #1 commodity for families was money.  Men and women would take better jobs, even if it meant time away from their families, to make more money.  They figured that making more money would help sustain their family and thus keep everyone happy.  However, people began realizing that there is something more important than money... time.  So, people began turning down the high paying jobs, so that they would have more time for their families every day.  Now, we are realizing that perhaps the #1 commodity isn't money OR time, but rather Energy.  You can't do anything with time or money if you're too tired.
What if spiritual energy became physical energy?  What if God filled our bucket up spiritually, and we were better for it all around?

Marriage is a covenant created by God.  A covenant is an exchange of behavior.  It means 3 things:
1. This deal is permanent
2. The other partner comes first
3. The #1 goal is to glorify God

Are you frustrated by having to perform your husband's roll?  Do you feel like you're pulling him up a hill?  Do you feel like you are the head of your house?
At the same time- Are you so frustrated by your husband's actions (or lack of action), that you are neglecting your OWN spiritual growth?

Heb 10:22
The closer you get to God, the cleaner you will be.
Pray with your husband out loud and confess to one another and God.

1 John 2:28
The closer you get to God, the more confident you will be.

Psalms 25:14
The closer you get to God, the more you are aware of your relationship with Him and with your husband.
The World will try to destroy your covenant with your husband and with the Lord.

Num 25
Immorality will always lead to idolatry.
Do not allow your life or bucket to get so empty, that your children have to clean up your messes.

Isaiah 42:4
Disappointment and pain will lead you to spiritual growth.

Imagine a straight line.  You are on one end, and God wants you to be on the other end.  He wants you to simply walk the line to get from where you are, to where He wants you to be.  It is painful and scary for you to go from one end to the other... especially if your husband is not leading.  So, instead of walking that straight line from "here" to "there", we decide to take our own course.  We take the following steps to eventually get "there":
1. Denial-  "God, I do enough already... I tithe, I go to Sunday School, I work in the nursery... isn't that enough?"
2.  Resistance-  You offer options to God.  I'll do this instead of that.  "Instead of doing what you want me to do, I'll just tithe an extra 5%".  Because that is easier to do than what He's asking you to do.  Because that'll keep you cozy in "here" and you wont have to go "there".  But if you stay "here", then nothing changes.  You do not grow, and everyone suffers.
3.  Exploration-  You begin to consider "there".  Your heart and mind become opened to the idea that maybe this might be good.
4.  Acceptance-  Finally!  You realize God was right to begin with and "there" is better than "here" every was or could be.

In marriage, when your husband says you have to go from "here" to "there", if it's from God, you MUST come to acceptance.  He was called by God to be the head of your house.

Some questions to think about:
-  In your marriage, do you notice a pattern or cycle that brings you down?
-  Which do you desire more:  God or His blessings?
-  Can you live apart from God's grace?

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Momology Challenge

Let the Mompetition begin! 

Susan Budd came up with a wonderful idea this year- It's a group vs group competition to gain the most points in an effort to get to know each other better and bond as a group.  But wait, there's more... the winners of this Mompetition get a fabulous prize- a date night with your hubby on April 29, with FREE babysitting provided by the steering group.  Praise Jesus!  Who couldn't use a night off?!

Here's how the game works:
- Each challenge will require an organizer that is in charge or organizing, scheduling, attending and recording the event details.  This organizer will be awarded 10 BONUS points, but may only receive bonus points for ONE event.  So it's probably best to allow each member of the group to organize an event.

- You may choose general and monthly themed ideas to earn points for your group.  Have ideas approved by Susan by contacting her HERE.

General Challenge Ideas: 
10 points + 1 point for each participant  
Each idea must be unique- the group may not do the same thing twice.

- Organize a group outing- lunch, playdate, MOPS mom's night out, etc.  At least 1/3 of the group must participate to receive group points.

- Do something as a group at a MOPS meeting- wear PJ's, wear matching shirts, do something funny as a group.  The ENTIRE group must participate for this to count and you will only receive points for ONE item per meeting... no repeats, and bringing food doesn't count.

Monthly Challenge Ideas: 
20 points + 1 point for each participant
Do one project as a group outside of MOPS.  At least 1/3 of your group must participate and the activity MUST follow the monthly theme.

- January- Shepherding a Child's Heart-  Do a group service activity with the kids
examples:  Visit a nursing home, pick up trash, make care packs, etc...

- February- Your Marriage Relationship-  Do a group activity that will enhance your marriage
examples:  Bible study on marriage, watch a relationship-based movie, etc...

- March-  Beauty Inside and Out-  Do a group activity that demonstrates beauty inside and out
examples: Serving a shut-in, Bible study, helping others, etc...

- April-  Family Relationships- Do a group activity that enhances family relationships... may be your family, someone else's family or your church family!
examples:  an activity with Dad's and kids, serving the choir/orchestra dinner between Easter musical performances (contact Kathy Porter), etc... 

I know we've got some seriously competitive mom's at MOPS, and it's great fun for everyone to participate!  As Stephanie Cannon said today, "I don't care what the prize is... It could be a Tootsie Roll for all I care... But I WANT IT!  We have to win!"  So, as you can see, the Red Hott Divas are ready to kick some butt!  But the question is... is YOUR group going to bring it?!