Friday, July 29, 2011

5 Weeks and Counting!!

Good Morning All!! As I sit here and eat my Lucky Charms at 530am due to a wonderful craving, I couldn't help but think, this is the perfect time to write my first blog for MOPS! I am so excited about being your new Publicity 'go to' person for the 2011-2012 year. What is even more exciting is that MOPS starts up in 5 wks. Sept 8th will be our first meeting at the new location of FBCS Downtown Simpsonville and we start promptly at 9:15am!

When I think about MOPS starting back, it reminds me of school starting up for some of you, fall weather, and of course, the Holidays (which includes food and lots of it). Most importantly it reminds me of the fellowship and new friendships that will develop over the next year. This is my 2nd year as a MOPS mom and I have made so many new friends in the past year that I find it such a blessing. I depend on my friendships for advice on 'how to's' with my son (and daughter on the way), encouragement on days when I think no one has ever gone through the same situation before, girls night out, play dates, and the list goes on. I hope that you can say the same thing, there is nothing like a MOPS group of friends to be there for you when you need it!

This years theme is MomSense: Bold-Loving-Sensible. What do those 3 words mean to you? For me Bold - reminds me of my husband. My husband stands up for his beliefs no matter what and I swear some days I think he is so strong (emotionally and physically) that he could pick up a car! Loving - my son Cullen. He is the most loving child I have ever seen. He will give hugs and kisses to anyone, even the girl at Publix who carries our groceries to the car! Sensible - I should be honest, I had to look this word up to get an exact feeling on what I think. Definition - wisdom. My Bible gives me wisdom. It is the one place that I can go to and find an answer to my question. It may not hit me on the head at the time, but the Bible always has wisdom (even if it comes from Cullen's children's Bible)! I would like to encourage you to think about those 3 words before our next meeting - what do they mean to you? Do they remind you of a person, a situation where you showed boldness, or a verse that you can cling too? PLEASE SHARE with us all!!!

In closing, I would like for all of us to have open hearts and be ready for what God has in store for us this year coming up! Last year we had lots of MNO's (including the great Spa night), crafts, play dates, and even a free babysitting night (yep, GO DIVAS!). But we also helped so many other moms too (the mom who lost everything in a house fire, another mom going through a divorce with 5 or 6 kids, shoe boxes filled at Christmas time for children, offering collection for another family who lost their mom). It's amazing what we can do as a team/group with the same goal of serving and worshiping our amazing God!!

As part of the publicity team, please let me know of any suggestions for future blogs and newsletters! I love the feedback!


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