I don't know Brooke Eaton very well. We have never been in the same MOPS discussion group. Our children are different ages. We both seem to be relatively quiet people. I tell you this because even though I don't know Brooke very well I can tell you that she has touched my life. She sent me a beautiful note when my Grandmother died two years ago. She has a beautiful voice that has touched many in numerous solos. She also wrote the following piece for the MOPS Messenger newsletter in September 2008. This piece is wonderful and captures the essence of the "big picture" that often gets lost in the daily chaos of motherhood. I hope you will enjoy it again. I hope that this year I will get to know Brooke a little better.
The Next Big Blockbuster
by Brooke Eaton
Every great action and adventure movie has an equally great musical score. Just imagine Indiana Jones, Star Wars, Superman and James Bond without any music. Sometimes grand and majestic with a broad, sweeping melody, other times frantic and edgy keeping you biting your not-so-perfectly-manicured nails (who has the time?), the soundtrack is what takes the adventure from humdrum to breathtaking, from I'll-wait-for-it-on-video to gotta-see-it-on-th-big-screen. The amazing thing about the soundtrack of a movie is that like all of the other songs you've ever heard it is made up of the same twelve notes. If you listened to any one section or one instrument's part, it might sound monotonous or even downright annoying (like one more, "Why Mommy?")
"But," you might say "what does this have to do with me...mhy life is no action and adventure epic. I'm just a mom, changing the 47th stinky diaper of the day, cleaning up the dishes again, answering the telephone, paying the bills, driving the carpool, and on and on..."
Well, like the soundtrack of that great movie, listening to only a second of music, it might not sound like much, but listen to all of it in its complete glory and you have another story entirely. Believe it ot not, your life is an adventure....filled with danger, mystery, maybe a little bit of romance,chills, thrills, joy, sorrow, laughter and tears. No one else's adventure looks exactly like yours. We are all on a journey for a faraway land, and if we will accept Him, there is a prince waiting for us in a more amazing "happily ever after" than the greatest screenwriter has ever dreamed.
Having preschoolers is a part of what brings the movie of your life its humor, its passion, its tears and some of its most precious joys. So today, as your toilet overflows because your preschooler decided to do an experiment to see how much paper it would hold, as your supper burns and you have to call out for pizza, as you pick up the same toys again after the kids are finally in bed, remember not to judge the whole movie by the scene you were in today. Enjoy instead the theme to Chariots of Fire (remember that one?) as you read these words.
Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith(They are in the theater watching you life's epic), let us strip off every weight that slows us down(No, I don't mean the three diaper bags), especially the sin that so easily hinders our progress. And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us. We do this by keeping our eyes on Jesus.(The Perfect Prince who loves us so much He was willing to die for us. Talk about romantic!), on whom our faith depends from start to finish. He was willing to die a shameful death on the cross because of the joy he knew would be his afterward(You, beloved!). Now he is seated in the place of highest honor beside God's throne in heaven. Think about all he endured when sinful people did such terrible things to him(You think you've had a bad day!) so that you won't become weary and give up.(Hebrews 12:1-3,NLT, additional notes mine)
Today, I'm going to try playing my favorites on iTunes and remember that this movie is a work in progress. At the end of this life, I'm going to watch it on the big screen with my popcorn (with extra butter-it won't matter then!), Junior Mints and the biggest Coke heaven has, laughing, crying, and clapping at the end , at the Master Filmaker's brilliant design! Maybe after I've watched mine, I'll come to your mansion and watch your's too, since time won't be an issue.
And now, enjoy the show!
Friday, September 4, 2009
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