Wednesday, October 14, 2009

How big is YOUR God?

“My God is so BIG!!! So strong and so mighty, there's nothing my God cannot do!” That song is stuck in my head after singing it with a bunch of 3 year olds tonight. It seems that recently a LOT of my conversations with friends have come around to that conclusion! Over and over I've heard their stories, and have stories of my own, that confirm how compassionate, how caring, how great, and just plain BIG our God is! You would think that after walking with God for a certain amout of time, or through a particularly difficult time, trusting Him would have become second nature – He is so predictably faithful! And yet every story blows me away yet again! Instead, faith seems to be a never-ending learning process, kinda like patience. We think we have it mastered, and realize the only thing we have down pat are the words to make it SOUND like we're trusting. My mouth can say a lot of words that my heart hopes in, but just doesn't or can't quite believe. Praise God for His patience with me! I hope and pray, with fear and trembling in my voice as I do, that God continues to stretch my faith until it really is FIRST nature to trust, rest, believe.

All that to say - we have met and exceeded our goal of $350 for Operation Christmas Child - enough to send all 50 boxes! I love God's accounting! As of Tuesday, we had an excess of $5. Yes, $5. Not a deficit, and not a huge excess, but just enough. I love it! So thank you to those of you who allowed God to use you to answer prayers, and all praise to God for proving, once again, how BIG He is!

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